COMMENTARY. I woke up Annie Lööfs hair dryer. He explains to his almost 90,000 followers on Instagram that he got up early to get his hair done and left for SVT. Added to the image are a lively pink hair dryer, iron, and brush.
Undoubtedly, the multidisciplinary staff of the center has fulfilled its mission. After this weekend’s candid interview about the life crisis in Dagens Nyheter, the summer talk on “the momentum for Sweden” and energy in Gunde Svanlevel in social networks nobody has been able to miss it: Annie Lööf is back!
For decades it was Alf Svensson in a swimsuit, the most daring example of when Swedish politicians took turns. Reports at home were rare.
With their accounts they reach new voters, especially young women.
Now Annie Lööf herself opens the door to the villa on her new YouTube channel, makes coffee in Nacka’s fresh kitchen and, with sad music in the background, talks about the trauma of the youngest child, who was born prematurely. I, who have also been in the hospital for a long time with my newborn baby, wipe a tear away. Really matters.
The title of the film is: “Influenced in depth. Now I’m ready to go back ”.
Then she shows her wardrobe and tells that the stylist prepares complete outfits on different hangers. Sad and happy, tall and short. Like in a well-produced soap opera.
I hesitate to write this text because I run the risk of being accused of sexism and of devaluing the leader of the center. Nothing could be more wrong. Annie Lööf and other Instagram professionals from Swedish politics Ebba busch, skillfully maneuvering into the contemporary media world. With their accounts they reach new voters, especially young women. Hanif Bali doing something similar, but aimed at young men. Pump biceps and print T-shirts with the text “Sons of Bali”.
A politician does not have to be consistently and consistently what the traditional norm (undercover man) requires. But the risk is probably that all that personal and open end will feel like any well-packaged item on the market.
Karin Olsson is Expressen’s Cultural Director. Read more texts from her in the links below.