The situation in Malmö was calm again on Monday, leading Ebbeståhl and the police to conclude that it was a limited incident. The worst was on Friday when about fifteen people were arrested on the one hand for, among other things, vandalism, on the other hand for inciting ethnic groups.
The bottom was one he pointed to street artist Dan Park’s plan to hold an anti-Muslim rally in which Danish right-wing extremist Rasmus Paludan would burn the Koran. At first, there was concern that it would degenerate, so the municipality, police and Muslim congregations worked on the issue throughout the past week.
– Now they didn’t get permission from the police, but we suspected they’d have the meeting anyway. When they had it on Friday afternoon, there were those who misinterpreted the work of the police as if the police were passively protecting those who kicked the Koran in Stortorget, says Per-Erik Ebbeståhl.

Police were attacked by criminals in Malmö this weekend.
Photo: TT
The malaise lasted about twelve hours until early Saturday morning. But behind them were other people who had no religious motive, according to Ebbeståhl.
– The situation in Stortorget was able to calm down when the imams explained what it was like. At first it was simply a matter of trust and during the afternoon or evening the police began to back down. Then famous rioters started showing up on cars with tires and paddles that caught fire.
Describe a group about a couple of hundred young people who came forward to the police for various types of violent crimes. These individuals occur in all possible contexts where the mood is charged enough to escalate to disturbances. They are not political in any way, nor religious, but purely criminal, according to Ebbeståhl.
– We managed to work well in the religious context, also with children and young people, because relations with the congregations and social services are good. But these people are difficult to work with, they are young adults, so it will be the police.