The number of corona patients is drastically decreasing in Malmö


In recent weeks, the Skåne Region has warned of a further spread of the infection in Skåne, which has also been characterized by the need for care.

After a period of some hospitalizations in early August, a hump appeared on the curve for the number of hospitalized in Skåne about two weeks ago. A closer look at the figures also showed that Malmö accounted for a significant part of the increase.

On August 21 and 24, respectively, Malmö had 16 of the 25 crown patients enrolled in Skåne.

But now the curve has been reversed.

According to Monday’s figures, Malmö treats five corona infections, that is, just under a third of the number at the beginning of last week. The need for care has also decreased across Skåne, from 25 to 12.

Increased testing capacity in Skåne

Region Skåne is now also announcing that they are working to increase testing capacity in Skåne after they saw a great response to the call to test themselves at the slightest sign.

– I fully understand the frustration that many Scanians express at not being able to obtain a test kit quickly. At the same time, I am grateful that so many are taking seriously our call for testing for the slightest symptoms, and we are now working hard to ensure that everyone in need can get tested quickly, says Pia Lundbom, Health Director and medical care.

44 pharmacies in Skåne currently offer test kits, but during the week there will be three more in Malmö and one in Helsingborg.

– This is a nice addition, but we are seeing how we can further expand the testing capacity. Hopefully we can find additional ways to offer testing. Only together can we stop the infection, says Pia Lundbom, director of health and medical care.

One crown-related death has been reported within the past ten days in Skåne.
