A three-year-old boy got caught in a kite and was thrown dozens of meters into the air.


A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-08-30 19:58

Article source address: https://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/trearing-fastnade-i-drake-slungades-upp-i-luften/

Girl caught in a kite in Taiwan (Reuters photos)

A three-year-old girl was thrown into the air dozens of meters after getting tangled in the tail of a kite at a festival in Taiwan.

For 30 seconds she was thrown into the air before she was thrown to the ground without serious injury, writes Japan Times.

It was during a kite flying festival in Hsinchu, 80 km from Taiwan’s capital, Taipei, that the tail of a kite got tangled in a girl. When the strong winds caught the dragon, it was thrown dozens of meters into the air to the horror of the other participants.

For half a minute, the three-year-old was in the air before the kite fell back to the ground.

In addition to cutting herself on the rope, the girl survived unscathed, according to the Japan Times.

Photo: Dainese Hsu / AP

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A three-year-old boy got stuck on a kite and was thrown dozens of meters into the air
