A health worker from the city of Guwahati, in the state of Assam, in India, has a positive covid-19 test. The photo is from last Saturday.
More than 25 million people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus, according to the compilation of statistics from countries of the world by the AFP news agency.
The number of confirmed cases has increased by one million every four days since mid-July, according to AFP. On Sunday, the highest increase in a country was recorded in one day, when India reported 78,761 more cases.
More than 843,000 people with confirmed covid-19 have died since late last year, when the outbreak began in the one million-strong Chinese city of Wuhan. The United States has been the most affected by almost 183,000 deaths, in second place is Brazil with just over 120,000 deaths and in third place shared are Mexico and India with almost 64,000 deaths each, according to Johns Hopkins University in the United States.
In Sweden, 5,821 people have died with confirmed COVID-19, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency.