Local health stops home visits after gang conflict


The decision, which employees learned on Friday, is based on the ongoing gang conflict in the area.

This means that the Hjällbo, Lövgärdet and Angered Center health centers stop their home visits.

An employee GP spoke with claims that there is now a concern for the elderly.

– Of course this raises concern. People worry about not being able to give the good care that we are used to giving, the person tells the newspaper.

“We will definitely do our job”

Åsa Lind, Area Health Area Manager, says, however, that necessary home visits will continue.

– If there is any medical indication that we are going to make a home visit, we will do it, but not two can go alone. We will definitely do our job, he tells GP.

It is not clear how long this decision applies.

– We must always think of our employees and it is clear that we do not want to expose them to unnecessary risks, Åsa Lind tells GP.

The escalation of the conflict between two criminal networks began at a gas station in Gothenburg a few weeks ago when several shots were fired at a group of people.

A few days later, revenge came when a man in his 20s was shot, and another shooting has taken place since.

As a result, people who, according to police information, have connections to the Ali Khan network, set up barricades in northeast Gothenburg.

Asked to stay inside

A document from the city administration office that GT has read shows how strongly the conflict has affected residents of Gothenburg.

In Hammarkullen, northeast of Gothenburg, the document testifies that the streets have been empty and deserted for periods after criminals explicitly urged residents of the area to stay indoors.

This document also contains alarming information about armed and masked men in safety vests guarding the entrances to Hammarkullen, Hjällbo, Lövgärdet and Gårdsten.

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