Of: Simon Svensson-Parenti
After the scandals surrounding Petter Northug, a strange call comes from his old rival.
Sami Jauhojärvi suggests that the Norwegian should invest in a rally.
– It means training, excitement, high speeds and beautiful women. All in one, says Jauhojärvi to the Norwegian Dagbladet.
On August 14, news came that 34-year-old Petter Northug had been pulled over for speeding and that cocaine had also been found at the Norwegian’s home.
– I’ve reached the bottom of my life. I realize I need help, it has gotten out of control, Northug said when he described the incident in his own words for the first time.
Now the 34-year-old’s old rival, Sami Jauhojärvi, is talking about the incident and coming up with a somewhat controversial proposition for Northug: an entirely new career.
“Rally would have been an idea”
– I think Petter needs to find a new goal in life. Rally could have been an idea. It means training, excitement, high speeds, and beautiful women. All in one, says Jauhojärvi to the Norwegian Dagbladet.
Lake Jauhojärvi
The proposal is said with a twinkle in the eye, and the Finn’s message is that it is important to find new goals after a sports career ends.
– In Finland, the Olympic Committee offers assistance to athletes who have completed their career. Help them find new goals. I hope Norway has a similar system, he says.
I need help with the void
Jauhojärvi’s compatriot, the legendary Juha Mieto, has seen it before. The emptiness that can arise after finishing a degree can be difficult for many.
– It’s very unfortunate what happened to Petter. “It amazes me that someone with such fantastic control on the ski slopes doesn’t have it on the outside,” says Mieto.
The old ski ghost believes that, above all, the big stars would benefit from better preparing for a life after the sport. Having something to fight for when you finish your career is important, he says, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone.
– Former athletes have a responsibility to help those in need. We can all help make that transition as smooth as possible.