Mayor: “You need Swedish tourists”




It's only a few kilometers between Helsingborg and Helsingör by ferry, but since the Danes closed the Swedish border in mid-March, only foreigners with valid reasons can enter Denmark. Stock Photography.

Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

It’s only a few kilometers between Helsingborg and Helsingör by ferry, but since the Danes closed the Swedish border in mid-March, only foreigners with valid reasons can enter Denmark. Stock Photography.

When Denmark opens its door to the outside world, it can remain closed to Sweden.

However, the border town of Helsingör urgently needs Swedish visits.

“We need Swedish tourists,” says Mayor Benedikte Kiær.

Since Denmark closed the Swedish border in mid-March, it has been quiet and peaceful in the streets and squares of Helsingör. Too quiet, says the city’s mayor, Benedikte Kiær.

– It is difficult for everyone, but especially for Helsingör. Here we are used to the fact that there is a lot of life and activity because we are a border city and we receive many visits from our Nordic neighboring countries. And especially from Sweden. The ferry between Helsingborg and Helsingör is only four kilometers away, says Benedikte Kiær, who was previously a Conservative MP and Denmark’s Minister for Social Affairs 2010-2011.

“Very hard”

Swedes account for more than half of annual tourist visits to Helsingör and ten percent of the city’s employment is linked to tourism. In addition, there is all the commerce that tourists normally represent.

– Our merchants here are really tough right now. Because they need Swedish tourists, says Benedikte Kiær.

There has been a gradual opening of society in Denmark, but the limits remain closed. However, after Germany announced a partial opening to France, Switzerland and Austria starting on Friday, the border debate has flared up again in Denmark.

The Social Democratic government has emphasized that the borders must be opened in a responsible manner to prevent the spread of the crown virus and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has said that by June 1 there will be a message about a possible opening of the border. The government’s line is to open borders to Sweden, Germany and Norway at the same time.

“Give hope”

– But it is a bit annoying that you do not talk about what parameters to take into account when it is said that we must open responsibly. I think you should start that discussion now. It would also give hope to many who depend on sightseeing, says Benedikte Kiær.

Several opposition parties, such as the Venstre, the Danish People’s Party and the Conservative may wish to admit Norwegians and Germans, but excluded Swedes due to the more widespread spread of the infection in Sweden, reports Danmarks Radio. Social Liberal Radical Venstre, a government support party, ideally sees that there is a general opening of the borders, but at the same time it opens to wait to admit Swedes if necessary for reasons of protection against infection.

Benedikte Kiær, however, sees no problem allowing the Scans to start visiting Denmark already.

– As the spread of infection has developed in the Copenhagen Capital Region (Copenhagen), an area like the Skåne Region is much less affected by covid-19. We have employees here who travel between countries to work and that is not a problem, ”she says.

Not suitable for stockholmers.

With Swedish restrictions in place that you can only travel two hours from your place of residence, there would be self-regulation of who can travel to Denmark, he notes and is backed by Scanian Niels MP Paarup-Petersen (C).

– It is not to the people of Stockholm that you should open, but to explorers. But neither the Danish nor the Swedish government have focused on the Öresund region, Niels Paarup-Petersen tells TT.

He wants the Swedish government to pressure the Danish counterpart to open the border with Sweden.

– Germany and Denmark have met and then there is an opportunity for the Swedish government to lie on the border with Sweden, says Niels Paarup-Petersen.

