Trump wants to open schools and start the economy




February 1 The | Photo: Evan Vucci / AP / TT

The President of the United States, Donald Trump. Stock Photography

United States President Donald Trump says he disagrees with White House infection protection expert Anthony Fauci that the country’s schools should remain closed.

At the same time, the governor complains about how the virus restrictions should be lifted.

“We open our country, people want it open, schools will be open,” says Trump.

When Fauci spoke to the Senate on Tuesday via video link, he said that opening the country too soon could have serious consequences.

“There is a real risk of an outbreak starting that may not be possible to control,” he said.


He didn’t think Trump was an “acceptable response,” according to USA Today. Until now, the president has been in Fauci’s line, but now he wants to focus on starting the country’s economy.

– Anthony (Fauci) is a good person, a very good person. I did not agree with him, the president says in an interview with the Fox media company.

– We must open our country. Now we want to do it safely, but we also want to do it as quickly as possible. We can’t continue like this, he says.

However, the White House has assigned much of the responsibility for how the United States should lift virus restrictions on the governors of all 50 states. Some of them, like Brian Kemp of Georgia, who is ideologically close to Trump, have rushed to give green light to small business owners and taverns. Elsewhere, like New York, large parts are still closed.

Choice in sight

At the Wisconsin Wave Master State, which Trump won in 2016, the shutdown has resulted in a legal battle. The state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday night that Democratic Governor Tony Evers violated his powers when he ordered an extension of residents’ home quarantine to reduce the spread of the virus, writes The New York Times.

The crisis is likely to adjust to Donald Trump’s 2020 election year. If the new, larger covid-19 outbreak arrives, you may blame the governors and their interpretation of the White House guidelines. But if the United States economy recovers, it is a strong argument for the presidential reelection campaign.

Facts: United States and covid-19

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