SThe item is no. Social Democrats and responsible Minister Jennie Nilsson are currently saying no to the requirements to move the trawl limit 12 nautical miles off the Swedish coast. Nor does he share the view that stockpiles in the Stockholm archipelago would be threatened.

On Tuesday, the fishing newspaper reported on demands by the Center Party, the Left Party and the Environment Party to stop the “monster trawlers” in the Stockholm archipelago, and to move the four-trawl limit nautical miles to 12 nautical miles. They passed the ball to rural minister Jennie Nilsson (S), who is responsible for fisheries affairs.

In an interview with she now gives answers.

– Currently, there is no scientific basis to carry out such a policy, Jennie Nilsson told the site.

In other words, it does not share the image of the county administrative board that the flood stock is weak in the archipelago, referring to the ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

However, it is willing to re-examine its position if new information emerges regarding the Research Council’s recommendations later this month.

– I don’t want to get into any discussion where, as a politician, you have to guess about fish stocks. We need a little bit of science foundation, “Jennie Nilsson tells

Also read about interesting fishing statistics:

IFiske statistics: so many pikes are released