New offers to travel in Sweden: up to two hours by car


ofNiklas Eriksson


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced new tips on domestic travel this afternoon:

A couple of hours driving from your own home is fine.

– But there is no sign that the danger has passed, says Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren.

During Wednesday afternoon, the government held a press conference where new information on mainly travelers was provided.

In the past, the Public Health Agency has avoided all unnecessary travel within Sweden. Now they make the recommendation a little easier.

– In the past, the call has been to give up all unnecessary travel within the country, people have done the right thing and followed this, and the situation remains dire. But now an adjustment is being made, says Stefan Löfven.

– You can make trips equivalent to one or two hours by car from the place of residence under certain conditions.

Social Minister Lena Hallengren (S), Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) and Johan Carlsson, Director General of the Public Health Authority.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

Social Minister Lena Hallengren (S), Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) and Johan Carlsson, Director General of the Public Health Authority.

The Prime Minister says that this does not mean that the danger has passed and that these trips must be carried out with great caution. And that your own responsibility increases.

– The risk of contagion in relation to such trips depends on how you get there, with whom you spend time and how you move in society, says Löfven.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

Stefan Löfven at today’s press conference.

It is not yet recommended to travel longer within the country.

During the press conference, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ann Linde, announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is extending its advice on unnecessary travel to all countries. It now runs until July 15.

Public health director Johan Carlson said at the press conference that he hopes to provide clear advice for the summer in early June.

Stefan Löfven said that he understands that many people sit at home thinking about how things are going in the summer, when grandparents can meet their grandchildren, etc.

– Simply, when can we return to live normally? I wish I could say today, I wish I could say that this is over, that we have the crisis behind us. But we are not there yet. Even the summer ahead will be different, says Stefan Löfven.

