The twist: SJ continues to drive the night train to Västerbotten


In February it became clear that in December this year, Vy Train AB would take over the train traffic between Narvik in the north and Stockholm in the south of SJ. At the same time, SJ, who today runs the route, announced that it will close night trains between Gothenburg and Jämtland, as well as upper Norrland.

Reactions to the decision to close the route became severe and the company is now changing. In a press release on Tuesday, the company writes that:

“By continuing the night trains from Gothenburg and from Umeå, SJ is protecting a strong offer of night trains in four weather sections. Travelers traveling on the SJ night train in Gothenburg or Stockholm can choose between Jämtland or Västerbotten as their destination and vice versa. ”

Many critics of previous decisions

When the Swedish Transport Administration is to purchase train routes, it is noted where they are most needed. Given that the Swedish Transport Administration considers that there are already enough trains between Stockholm and Gothenburg, they do not believe that an overnight train between Gothenburg and Norrland is necessary. This is critical for SJ.

– We believe it was an unfortunate decision not to purchase night trains from Gothenburg instead of Stockholm. So we have also been in the protest choir. We believe that traffic is needed from the north of Sweden to Närke and Västra Götaland, Jan Kyrk, commercial manager of SJ.

But the Swedish Transport Administration disagrees with that criticism.

– The simple answer is that accessibility between Stockholm and Gothenburg already exists. In the acquisition, we will make sure that there is a gap again in accessibility and that is why we bought the night trains from Stockholm, says Thomas Johansson, press communicator for the Swedish Transport Administration.

The stretch for night trains will look the same as today, but it is expected to arrive in Gothenburg 75 minutes earlier than today.
