On Tuesday, the government and its partners announced to the Center and to the Liberals that they are lobbying for SEK 2.2 billion to create new places for training in healthcare and care. The investment is aimed at nursing assistants and nursing assistants, and the money will reach around 10,000 educational sites.
“It is about making it safer and better for both staff and our sick and elderly,” says Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).
The proposal is a reaction to the employment situation of health and care personnel that has been exposed in relation to the crown crisis. The hope is that training will lead to more permanent employment and better conditions for staff.
– If you have a university education, it is clear that it will be easier to get a permanent job than if you do not have an education. Of those who are employed, more are educated compared to what it looks like for hourly workers, says Magdalena Andersson.
The goal is to educational sites. It will be in force during the last quarter of this year and means paid training during working hours. In 2020, the state will cover the entire cost, but next year the municipalities will finance 30 percent. However, the state will not impose any demands on municipalities and regions to employ those who are now receiving education.
– That question should be asked of those responsible for this in municipalities, regions and among private employers, says Magdalena Andersson.
Since the government presented its spring budget in mid-April, several opposition parties have demanded that more social assistance be granted than that proposed by the government and cooperation parties. On Tuesday, the Left Party issued an ultimatum to the government to press for more resources. V wants to see another $ 25 billion in grants and threatens to start negotiating with moderates and Christian Democrats to overcome his demands in Parliament.
– This is an outstretched hand for the government. We give the government a week to come back with a message, otherwise we will start the talks with M and KD, “says V’s leader Jonas Sjöstedt.
Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson believes that there is no conflict on the issue of more resources for well-being.
She notes that Sweden’s municipalities and regions (SKR), as of Monday, submitted a report that more money is needed. Furthermore, economic development in Sweden has developed even weaker than previously estimated by the government. However, he does not want to comment on how long the government will postpone.
– There are many reasons to look at this and do it again in the near future, says Magdalena Andersson.
– I have made it clear that additional resources may be needed, not least because we believe that economic development may be slightly worse than we thought in the spring budget, he continues.
Economic-political center-party Spokesman Emil Källström believes that parliamentary parties can agree soon.
– I don’t see any problem in reaching a general agreement. The parties’ messages are so clear that there is no need to pull this on the long bench, says Emil Källström.
The moderates have demanded an additional SEK 5 billion in general government grants to municipalities and regions. The party’s economic-political spokeswoman, Elisabeth Svantesson, hopes the government will comply with the demands.
– The government does not have a majority in Parliament. I hope that the government now comes with more resources so that we do not reduce welfare cuts. It is a very difficult situation right now, says Elisabeth Svantesson.