
The COVID Symptom Study app was launched in Sweden by Lund University on April 29. Since then, more than 130,000 Swedes between the ages of 20-69 have continuously reported any symptoms, which have been analyzed by university researchers.
The first national maps of the study are now presented. They show an estimated current proportion of the population with ongoing symptomatic covid-19 infection in Sweden, which “would probably be positive if examined.”

You will be able to observe trends over time.
Among the counties where most study participants are likely to have covid-19 are Dalarna, where an estimated 3 to 3.5 percent have an ongoing infection.
“The greatest benefit of our calculations is that we will be able to observe trends over time and compare the epidemic in different counties,” said Maria Gomez, a professor at Lund University and one of the researchers who conducted the study, in a Press release.

In the United Kingdom, the same system is used.
“Our hope is, as in the UK, to be able to provide daily updates to identify new ‘hotspots’ before they can be detected in other health care monitoring systems,” says María Gómez.
However, a limitation of the method is that it does not catch people with a continuous but asymptomatic infection, he adds.