Bjärsmyr breaks up with Genclerbirligi – talks to Blue and White


ofMichael Wagner


Gothenburg. The contract with Turkish Genclerbirligi was broken on Monday night.

Now Mattias Bjärsmyr, 34, continues to train with IFK Gothenburg.

– We’ll see what happens. Blue-white knows my situation, he says.

Mattias Bjärsmyr, Marcus Berg and Pontus Dahlberg in IFK Gothenburg training

Photo: Michael Wagner

Mattias Bjärsmyr, Marcus Berg and Pontus Dahlberg in IFK Gothenburg training

Photo: Thomas Johansson / TT NEWS AGENCY

Mattias Bjärsmyr.

On Monday night, the Turkish tabloid released the news that it had agreed to break the deal with the central hill. The contract was only valid until last May, but could have been extended for the season due to the crown pandemic.

– Genclerbirligi has shown a great understanding of my situation. My wife and I have a newborn son and the uncertainty about when the Turkish league will start is excellent even though the team has started training. The risk is that I was sitting in Turkey and waited a long time.

– This solution was good for both parties, he says.

When will you be ready to IFK Gothenburg?

– Hahaha. That question comes like a letter in the mail …

– Everything went very fast. Genclerbirligi posted the news type ten minutes after it was over. Kennet (Andersson) and Pontus (Farnerud, IFK Gothenburg Sports Managers) have spoken to me in general now that I have been to Kamratgården to train. They know my situation. More than that, it is not. We’ll see what happens, says the former captain of the team that won the SM and gold cup with IFK Gothenburg.

– Blue-white is my club and it gives me a lot of affection.

Photo: Adam Ihse / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

Mattias Bjärsmyr.

Chasing midback

It is no secret that IFK Gothenburg has chased a midback in the spring.

– The club has done very well for me, Marcus Berg, Dahlberg, all of us who have been and trained lately. It feels very good

Would it be the right step to formally return?

– I do not know. Let’s move on to that discussion first. I still have ambitions with my football and I think I have a high level. But everyone understands that the world looks different and I have to think about my family, says Mattias Bjärsmyr as he heads to the IFK Gothenburg facility in Kamratgården to train.

– The foreign professionals are in the warm-ups with the rest of the team. Then we run the page for ourselves with one of the leaders.

But now that Bjärsmyr has no contract, there is no agreement that due to the risk of injury, he must abandon part of the training.

When are you going to train as a team?

– I heard what Poya (Asbaghi) thinks about it. You should plan the workouts in peace and quiet. But at the end of the week maybe, says Mattias Bjärsmyr.

