WHO: Be on the lookout when communities open


The danger of spreading the coronavirus is far from over and a second wave of infection is threatening, the WHO warns.

Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Disaster Program, and the Head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.Photo: Salvatore Di Nolfi / AP / TT

“Extreme vigilance” is of utmost importance as communities slowly abandon the closure required by the crown crisis. The call from the World Health Organization on Monday came as many countries in Europe eased their restrictions at the same time, as statistical evidence indicates that the risk of infection is far from over.

Germany is now reporting an increase in covid-19 infections since the country slightly relaxed its rules, South Korea as well.

Mike Ryan, the Executive Director of the WHO Disaster Program, made a call for caution at a press conference in Geneva, where he emphasized the importance of quickly detecting and stopping new clusters of infection to avoid a second wave of infection.

“It is crucial that we cite examples of countries that are willing to open their eyes and keep them open,” said Ryan, who emphasized the danger of “driving blindly through this crisis,” without mentioning specific states.

At the press conference, the WHO found that studies show that the number of people who have developed antibodies against the disease is less than expected, which means that a large proportion of the population in the countries in question is still susceptible to virus.

“Until there is a vaccine, comprehensive measures (taken) are the most effective way to stop the virus,” said WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus, calling for a slow and steady removal of the restrictions.

And trust in the so-called collective immunity?

“It really is a very, very dangerous calculation,” replied Mike Ryan.
