Migration Board agrees to limit asylum seekers in Gothenburg | Gothenburg message


As of July 1, asylum seekers moving to Gothenburg lose their right to daily allowance. This occurs after the Swedish Immigration Board sees no obstacle for Gothenburg and ten other municipalities to apply to exempt the entire city from the Ebo Law, which means asylum seekers have the right to settle wherever they want with compensation withheld.

“The task of the Migration Board is not to make an assessment of what the municipalities report, but only to provide a list,” Irene Sokolow, from the communications department of the Migration Board, writes in an email to GP.

The exception is to reduce segregation in socially vulnerable areas in 32 of the country’s cities.

It was the Social Democrats and Democrats who, with the support of the Swedish Democrats, pushed for the entire city to be exempt from the law.

– This means that fewer initially apply to Gothenburg. It eases the situation a bit and we don’t have to encourage the black market, says city councilman Martin Wannholt (D).

S wants to break the ebo

City Council Jonas Attenius (S) says this is one tool among many to enable the city to provide all residents with the same opportunity for life in terms of school and housing outcomes.

– So it all comes down to the fact that we have long thought that the legislation is bad and we want to bring it down.

Why not just exclude some socially vulnerable areas?

– We see it as a whole. It is important that all municipalities take responsibility. Proportionally Gothenburg has received more asylum seekers than our cranial municipalities.

He says city housing is necessary for asylum seekers who receive through the Housing Law.

Harsh criticism

The red-green rose parties, V, MP and FI, have harshly criticized the exception.

– All of Gothenburg is not an exposed area. The idea was to limit ebo so that people who come to our country can build their lives, says municipal councilor Karin Pleijel (MP).

READ MORE Sure: Asylum seekers in Gothenburg are limited

At the April meeting, the Red-Green Rose and the Alliance came close to concluding that areas designated by the police as socially vulnerable would be excluded, but failed.

– I am really disappointed that we have not reached it. In light of this, it had been important, says Karin Pleijel.

At the same meeting, the alliance ran the line that the Migration Board would not approve the city’s request to exempt the entire city.

“It is not possible to exclude all of Gothenburg, our application will not be processed, but will be put aside,” said city council Helene Odenjung (L).

But it turned out wrong.

– Those were the signals he had received, says Helene Odenjung and continues:

– It is an irrational attitude to say that all of Gothenburg is a socially vulnerable area.

She says she would also like to have seen an engagement.

The rules should be changed

Helene Odenjung is convinced that the exemption will not be valid for more than six months, as new rules are already in place for a referral.

– Also, for obvious reasons, it will now be amazing. This is not until or since 2020.

She herself is critical of the ebo legislation, but does not believe that power should be used as a means of changing the law.

– But the result now is that more people stay in civilian housing, which is not a good thing either, if you think that people should be able to start their lives.

READ MORE The decision: wants to exclude all of Gothenburg from electronic law

Axel Josefson is the municipal council of the moderates.

“In any case, we are getting better terms now than if it had become the opposite message,” he says.

Had M also voted to exclude the entire city if you knew it was possible?

– I don’t want to speculate on what we did, we did an evaluation based on the legislation.

But don’t you sound very critical?

– No, it would have been worse for us if we had not received an exception. It is about breaking segregation in Gothenburg and being able to achieve a more orderly situation for those who move here, he says.

Facts: The Ebo Law

The Ebo Law means that asylum seekers have the right to settle wherever they want, with compensation withheld by the Swedish Migration Board.

Since the beginning of the year, 32 municipalities in the country, with social and economic difficulties, have been notified of the areas in which they wish to be exempt from the law.

This means that asylum seekers who move to these areas on their own initiative after July 1 lose the right to the daily allowance from the Swedish Migration Board.

Gothenburg, Botkyrka, Eskilstuna, Filipstad, Helsingborg, Katrineholm, Kristianstad, Landskrona, Malmö, Perstorp and Åstorp have reported exceptions for all municipalities.

Thirteen municipalities have reported certain vulnerable areas, two municipalities have not identified any area and five municipalities have not yet given notice.

According to the Government, the purpose of the law change is to get more asylum seekers to choose to live in areas where there are conditions for socially sustainable reception.


Migration board

READ MORE Social Democrats: “Exclude all of Gothenburg from the ebo law”

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