The program series, which begins in September this year, consists of eight parts with seven well-trained families competing with each other in physical challenges and mental tests. All in the middle of the vast Jutland desert.
– I love the idea of the show. Competing, being in nature and being with family are my favorite things. So I am really looking forward to being able to join, says Sanna Kallur about the format and is supported by her experienced program manager.
– For me, family ties are the most important and strongest thing in life. It is also these bands that will stretch and test in difficult races and simple camping life in Årefjället. It will be interesting to see how our families take on the challenges of becoming the strongest in Sweden through collaboration and cohesion, says André Pops.
The show will be a great adventure for both participating families and home viewers on the couch.
“The Strongest Family in Sweden is a program that we believe will be exciting, emotional and no less beautiful, as it will take place in the magnificent nature of Sweden,” says Haida Jamshidi, executive producer of Sweden’s Strongest Family.
FILE: Sanna Kallur wins European gold in 2006