Week 15 worst in all of the 2000s


Mortality, the actual number of deaths compared to expectations, continued to decline after the peak in mid-April. This shows the preliminary weekly statistics from Statistics Sweden, which have been updated up to and including May 8.

The main list of the number of deaths nationwide remains week 15, which has now been adjusted to 2,554 deaths. It is the highest number of deaths in a week reported throughout the 21st century.

Statistics Sweden compares the preliminary statistics on deaths with an average for the corresponding periods 2015–2019. Levels that are higher than average are what is described here as excess mortality.

Since the peak of week 15, national mortality, calculated per week, has decreased compared to 2015-2019. The reduction in mortality is most evident in Stockholm County, but the death rate is high.

– At week 18, the death toll in Stockholm and Östergötland counties exceeded 50 percent compared to 2015–2019, says Linus Garp, researcher with Swedish Statistics on Statistics and Economic Well-being.


Until week 18, the death rate was highest for men aged 80 to 89 years, followed by men aged 90 years and older.

But the differences across the country remain large. Kronoberg County and Kalmar County have reported no mortality at all.

Borlänge had the highest mortality rate of all the municipalities, followed by Sollentuna and Sundbyberg. There, more than three times as many people died than the 2015-2019 average.


Statistics of Sweden’s death figures

Statistics Sweden’s preliminary statistics on the dead have been produced to give a faster picture of development during the crown eruption, and an opportunity to compare with previous years.

Statistics are reported on weekends on Mondays and are considered raw data. It will change as new data comes in because there is a backlog of reports, especially in the days leading up to publication.

The statistics from two weeks ago are not expected to change much. Statistics from previous years are based on Statistics Sweden’s final observation record. Only people with a known date of death are included in the calculations above.

Statistics say nothing about the cause of death, but only show how many people registered in Sweden died.

Source: Statistics from Sweden.
