Elias, 24, was runner-up for joy after the coup.
– It goes up and down, but you have to lie down. It was a lot of fun getting to know and playing across Sweden, he tells SVT.
In March, the Corona pandemic brought down the curtain on international professional tennis. It is unclear when they can take the first steps towards tournament play, but the goal is to start in mid-July.
Exercising is one thing, play match to another.
– It is a clear difference, it is something else. I am completely exhausted, I have to stop sitting and play until late at night, “Mikael tells SVT.
The Ymer brothers did not immediately offer viewers something that will eventually become a memorable classic. But almost nobody had expected the meeting between two trained players.
Both had to work to maintain the service. Mikael dropped it first and threw Elias to 3-1, which he quickly made 4-1. The advantage of an older brother did not escape. But despite the clear 6-3, Elias feared that a much sharper Mikael was waiting in the second set.
– Every time we play and he’s lying down, he makes up something. He goes to the bathroom, begins to play with the judge … He is a tactician, he is not 68 in the world for not doing it. He gets one to keep up. It is important to maintain the service. It is a good first step. If that’s the Mikael I know, then that’s when the game starts, Elias, who is ranked 201, told SVT in that situation.
You got it right.
Mikael did what it could upset Elijah; He spent a good amount of time on the toilet, blamed the net too high and the lighting.
– I put three balls in a row in the net and thought it was too high. It’s easy to blame something other than yourself, says Mikael.
The shapes paid off, as his game increased. Mikael went up 4–3, was 40–0 but couldn’t break 5–3 and serve for the set. Instead, Elias broke to 5-4.
“I think Elias is getting a little nervous now that he is going to serve for the match,” said 14-year-old baller Rafael Ymer.
He knew what I was talking about. Mikael broke 5-5, then Elias broke 6-5 and another chance to serve the victory home, but the breakup party continued and the tiebreaker waited.
Mikael 7-5 – and a decisive supertie break (first ten balls won) followed.
– You always want to win. Mikael and I have a special relationship, we’ve been through a lot together, Elias says.
Elias Ymer has never lost a competition match against Mikael, and although this was an exhibition match, he has to keep the title as the best in the family.
exhibition match at the Royal Tennis Hall it was the first broadcast on SVT’s “Challenger Meeting”, an adventure to show live sports when the sporting event is still due to the crown pandemic.
Next Sunday, table tennis awaits and two games among the most important in Sweden on the women’s and men’s sides. Linda Bergström meets Stina Källberg and Mattias Falck faces Truls Möregårdh.
Read more: The Ymer brothers face each other in a charity match: “It pays off the honor of the family”