Carl Bildt criticizes Tegnell for giving him a monk race


The reason is that Anders Tegnell argued that “much of what we have seen is not sustainable” and aimed at the total closure of countries.

The state epidemiologist believes that the Swedish path can be maintained for a considerably longer time.

But the statement was not sent home with the former prime minister, who immediately called Twitter.

“The government should probably tell Tegnell to stop criticizing and criticizing other countries,” he said.

“Everyone knows it, in all countries”

After Bildt’s attack, Director of Public Health Johan Carlson writes on Twitter that they have repeatedly pointed out that “certain restrictions” are “measures that are poorly sustainable.”

“Everyone knows it, in all countries”Johan Carlson writes.

According to Carlson, this had nothing to do with Bildt’s statements.

– It was just a discussion about the questions I saw on Twitter, I have no further comments, it is quite obvious that it is so. It was just a statement that one cannot stay anywhere in such restrictions, which is why we mean they are not sustainable, he tells Expressen.

Did you read the interview with Carl Bildt this morning?

– I haven’t had time to read the newspapers, no.

– Possibly there was a discussion that followed, which I saw on Twitter, but there was a lot of discussion back and forth, so it was more of a general reflection.

– It has nothing to do with Carl Bildt from the beginning, so I saw that Carl Bildt had also talked about it, but this is a discussion that has been going on for a while.

Otherwise, Johan Carlson does not want to comment on the interview with Carl Bildt.

“High Horses”

Carl Bildt believes that the strategies of other countries should not be “reviewed”. According to Svenska Dagbladet: “In other words, the state epidemiologist covers a kind of haggling.”

Carl Bildt states in an interview with the newspaper that he did it himself if he was Prime Minister:

– No, it’s not strange, and yes, I did. This is not a crisis where you should sit on some tall horses.

At the same time, Bildt expresses his concern about the situation. But not everything is “completely black,” he tells SvD.

– These are difficult years ahead. Without a doubt. Both economically and politically. Does this mean you have to paint everything in black? No, you shouldn’t. We’ll probably do this too.

But he is convinced that the state of the world is greatly affected by the corona virus.

– This is a crisis that will define the beginning of this century. Much more than September 11 or the financial crisis. It will hit more and more and it only takes a few months, the former prime minister tells Svenska Dagbladet.

Five more deaths

The public health authority announced Sunday that five other people had died after being infected with the coronavirus. This means that the total figure is now 3,225.

– It is a total that is very high. Very unfortunate that we are finished here. This disease causes many deaths, especially in the elderly, and is very unfortunate, says Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist at SVT.

How Tegnell views the Swedish strategy given the death toll of over 3,000, he says:

– In many ways it has worked, but it definitely has not worked on all regrettable deaths. It shows the care for vulnerable older people we have in Sweden. We can see a certain decreasing trend in the number of cases in the elderly, indicating that they have actually started working on this. We will certainly need to discuss this further.

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The former prime minister in a great interview about the new world situation
