Sick with covid-19 was recommended to take the bus


Hourly attention in the municipality of Degerfors has been positive for covid-19.

Photo: Lisa Olaison

One hour of attention in Degerfor Municipality has tested positive for covid-19. When he was missing a driver’s license, the manager of the nearest unit recommended that he take the bus to take samples, which he rejected. The head of unit, however, denies that the call took place and that no one in the municipality wants to speak about the incident.

According to routine, staff with symptoms should contact the manager responsible for the department in which the employee works.

The same week that a user was confirmed to be infected, the hourly worker worked an overnight pass with the user. Cleaned spies and user feces without protective gear, as user had not yet been confirmed with covid-19.

While the patient was being screened for disease, the hourly driver also started showing symptoms, so he contacted the manager of the department unit where he was most recently working.

– I really don’t have a responsible manager because I walk. But I contacted the head of the department where my last passport was working, ”says Timvikari.

Timvikarien lives in a small apartment with his partner and was so ill that he barely managed to get out of bed.

– When I lie in bed it feels good, but as soon as I get up I get dizzy and I have to sit down. I can’t go that far, he says.

She gains the support of her partner who testifies of a well-trained boyfriend who can now barely go to the bathroom.

He was received by unbelievers

But in the conversation with the manager’s last week, he and his partner met unbelievers before their situation.

– She was very cold without empathy and at the end of the conversation laughed at him because he had not coughed during the conversation, says his partner.

According to Hours Weekly and his partner, the unit manager urged the employee to take the bus to the Karlskoga laser for the test, since neither of them has a driver’s license.

– But he can’t do that, he’s sick. She twice asked him to do it, but he refuses, his partner says before he is finally allowed to do the test.

After being in contact with 1177 health centers and managers in other departments within the Degerfors municipality, the couple was eventually helped by another unit manager within the organization to take the test at the Degerfors health center.

– He is sick that you should not get help just because you do not have a driving license, says the companion of coexistence of the hour.

The test was found to be positive for covid-19. If the hourly week had followed the recommendations of the head of the unit, he would have taken the bus to Karlskoga Lasarett and back to Degerfors.

It has not happened in business

The unit manager does not say that an employee has called and asked for proof. He also doubts that there is a user in the home service that has tested positive for covid-19, despite the fact that the municipality itself confirmed the case on the municipality’s website.

– The situation you describe has not happened in my business, which has been in contact with someone who has been ill, says the unit manager.

The interim social worker tells me that they have a routine that they follow and that she cannot comment further.

– The comment I can give you is that we do not comment on individual issues related to a co-worker, says the social director and refers to Timmy Falk, a communicator in Degerfors Township.

Falk says they have a photo of the incident that the unit chief denies happened.

– But we do not intend to discuss this in the press. It is an issue between the unit manager and the employee, Falk says.

Neither the unit manager nor Falk want to discuss the incident.

– You ask questions about the staff and I can’t talk about it, it’s unacceptable and unethical. I’m surprised you call me and ask questions about someone else’s illness, says the unit manager.

Isn’t it inappropriate for a manager within the municipality to recommend an employee, who may have covid-19, to sit on the bus?

– We have a picture of what happened, but we did not discuss it with the press. We do this internally, says Falk.

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