Coronasmitta in LSS accommodation in at least 37 municipalities


The new corona virus has entered nursing homes across the country.

But within disability care, where the target group may also belong to risk groups, the spread of infection is not yet as widespread.

“We have no signs that it looks serious in the current situation,” Jenny Rehnman, head of the National Board of Social Affairs, said at a press conference Tuesday, but noted at the same time that a unified national image is missing:

– It’s something we should look at.

DN has this week He addressed all municipalities in Sweden with questions about the spread of the infection in LSS houses (houses with special services under the Law on Assistance and Services for Certain Persons with Disabilities).

On Friday afternoon, 179 out of 290 municipalities had responded.

17 municipalities are referring to confidentiality or have been unable to provide any information, but 37 municipalities have had at least one confirmed case of covid-19 in their LSS home. However, in almost half of these, the total number of infected people is approximately one person.

In statewide terms, at least 104 LSS residents have received the infection, according to the DN review. More than 150 people have been infected, but there are no responses from around one hundred municipalities and, among other things, the city of Gothenburg has not been able to enter a total figure.

The spread of infection continues A clear pattern.

In rural areas and smaller cities, there are almost no cases, or only occasionally. In Malmö, only three of the 127 LSS housing units have been affected and in Gothenburg, where information is missing over time, this week there were infected people in eleven of the city’s 225 housing units. At the same time, the situation in and around Stockholm, as expected, is somewhat different.

As DN previously wrote, every tenth LSS accommodation in Stockholm (21 out of 200) has had at least one confirmed crown drop. 39 out of a total of 1,216 people have been infected at some point.

In the Danderyd and Sollentuna district municipalities, more than one in three residents (three out of eight and eight out of 23, respectively) have been affected, and around ten percent of users have been infected.

In an email to DN, Marie Blad, a medically responsible nurse in Danderyds Township, writes that it is impossible to answer how the virus has entered:

“People who live in an LSS house can be self-sufficient with little support and thus move freely between the house and the outside. It presents a challenge to prevent infection. “

In sollentuna a resident with underlying risk factors has died as a result of covid-19.

– Our absolute approach is very clear to safeguard the health and well-being of users. Given this, it is not a good thing that we have had an infection in several of our LSS homes, says Pia Bornevi, head of administration of the municipality’s care and attention office, but points out that the situation has now stabilized.

What measures have you taken?

– We arrive quite early by imposing restrictions on visitors in all accommodations, and we close most of our daily activities. Then it was about guaranteeing hygiene routines and access to personal and protective equipment.

Also Pia Bornevi It refers to the fact that people in LSS homes “move around in society like everyone else” as a potential risk of the infection spreading.

– It is not the same as a special home for the elderly.

At the same time, interest groups for people with disabilities point to staff turnover, the lack of protective equipment and the lack of knowledge among staff as the main concerns.

This week, the National Board of Health and Welfare is sending specific information to all LSS activities in the country. Among other things, regulations on basic hygiene practices should be repeated.

Need it

“We train our employees on an ongoing basis,” says Ramona Grapenhielm, care manager in Botkyrka, where five of the 27 homes have been affected.

– But repetition is always good. We cannot be clear about this.

In Södertälje five of 23 municipal residents have had at least one confirmed case.

Marina Åberg-Carlsson is the manager of the profit area in the service office.

– According to the LSS Law, we should not use restrictive measures for residents, but we have continuously worked to try to make users understand the situation and try to stay home, “she says.

– But because these people have cognitive disabilities, it may take longer to understand change and change their habits.

… Read more

Coronasmitta statistics are missing in LSS homes: “Great concern”
