ofBenjamin Ekroth
Just because the test shows antibodies does not mean that you are immune to covid-19.
But getting really sick seems to provide protection.
– In general, the more severe the infection you have, the more immune you become, says doctor and professor Agnes Wold.
Sweden’s strategy against the new corona virus has been seen differently from the rest of the world. Elsewhere, they have given great hope to testing and developing a vaccine.
But simply testing the population and waiting for a vaccine is not a perfectly safe strategy. This is the opinion of Agnes Wold, a physician and professor of clinical bacteriology, and Johan Giesecke, a former state epidemiologist.
“Fuller immunity”
According to Johan Giesecke, a natural infection is the best way to become immune.
– Gives a more complete immunity. If you have had measles, you are immune for the rest of your life. But it is not certain that a measles vaccine will last a lifetime, he says.
– I am not saying that a vaccine becomes useless, it could be a good vaccine. But it can be a bit naive to put all your hope in the vaccine.
It is also not as simple as anyone who has had covid-19 become immune.
– What we know is that those who have been in the hospital and have been seriously ill naturally get antibodies and will probably become immune. In general, the more severe the infection you have, the more immune you become. It is a general rule. So, today no one can say that everyone who has had the disease, even extremely mild cases, will get antibodies. That’s what you’re waiting for, says Agnes Wold.
Currently, there are no antibody tests that can be recommended to the public, according to the Public Health Authority.
But large-scale antibody tests that show whether people have been infected with the coronavirus are planned in Sweden. But sure proof is required. They are in development and not far away, according to the Public Health Authority.
Agnes Wold agrees. The tests that show if you really are immune are very expensive. Those who are currently proving above all that you have had the disease, but it is not the same as being immune, he points out.
“Interesting to know”
– I’m not saying it’s not worth anything. But you have to know that there are two different things. If you have antibodies, you have had the disease. It can be interesting to know how many people in a retirement home have had the disease, she says.
– Antibodies are not the same as immunity. The immunity is that you won’t get sick next year when the virus reappears.
However, she is not as negative about the vaccine as Johan Giesecke.
– In theory, you can make a vaccine that is better than a natural infection, says Agnes Wold.
Photo: Adam IHSE / TT
Agnes Wold, Swedish physician and professor of clinical bacteriology at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg
Is it likely that he can become immune?
– I think so. As an immunologist, I think it would be great if you don’t get it if you really get sick. And if you have a very mild illness with no symptoms, you already have a form of protection. So it’s likely that if you become covid next year you will have no symptoms, says Agnes Wold.
State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has said he envisions a combination of natural infections and vaccines. Those who have had covid-19 form the basis and the vaccine is administered to vulnerable groups.
– I bet we reach immunity level by making people sick before a vaccine is available. In any case, a vaccine will be important to protect vulnerable groups. For the infection it will not go away. Tegnell told the Ny Teknik newspaper earlier this week that there will be groups in the community where there is less immunity and where fewer outbreaks can be imagined.