This happens today Saturday May 9 at the Big Brother house – Big Brother Sweden


Another day in true superhero spirit! Today, lie detector AND viewer questions await some of the participants.

Mergim Feka won both competitions of the week and took home two wins, an additional nomination point to put someone and choose a person who was not allowed to place their points on him. He chose Jasmine. After the Super Hero Week nomination, it was clear that those who are released before Monday’s weekend are Jasmine Armstrong, Sami Jakobsson and Frida Skoglund.

Today is the last lie detector of the year and Sami will be roasting for the first time. Later in the afternoon, viewers will also be able to ask questions to Jasmine and Frida.

Scheme 9/5

About 10.30 a.m.: box challenge

in the afternoon:
Around 13.00: letter about the result of the boxing challenge
Around 14:30: Sami settles on the lie detector
About 3:30 p.m. viewer questions to Frida and Jasmine
Around 4 p.m.: Instagram challenge

About: 6 pm The prisoners in the fortress contest!
18.30 Theme Party – “Cross Party”

NOTE! Times are approximate. Changes can occur during the day.
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