It was during the electoral weekend that the house of the councilor of finances Irene Svenonius (M) was damaged. The left-wing extremist group Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) has taken action and published images where the text “resign” was scrawled on a facade.
The police investigation is now closed, about which Radio Ekot of Sweden reported for the first time. Shari Tingman is the principal investigator for the Stockholm Police Crimes Against Democracy and Hate Group, where the case is under investigation. He says there was nothing the police could proceed with.
– We have listened to people living in the immediate area, but nobody has seen or heard anything. We also examine the article found on the AFA website, but it is difficult to find an author who has committed the crime itself.
However, Shari Tingman says that if new information were added, the case would be resumed.
According to Shari Tingman, the Crimes Against Democracy and Hate Group has seen a slight increase in crimes reported against, among other things, politicians elected this year.
– Taking into account how it looks today in society, with a crown, etc., it tries to influence decision-makers, in this case through harm or by sending messages over the Internet. In doing so, you believe that you can upset the decision maker or influence in some way.
At the same time, he says that this type of crime rarely attracts the attention of the police.
– We know that people are exposed all the time. The ones that appear on television or whatever. They receive many messages through social media or their personal email address at work. But it normalizes for them, so someone else will have to go in there and say “this is really a threat.”
Shari Tingman says the crimes against elected officials and journalists are serious when they try to silence the formation of free opinion.
“This, in turn, means that politicians do not dare to occupy these positions or defend their decisions and that journalists do not dare to write,” he says.
Irene Svenonius has commented on the act in the Mitt i newspaper, where she says her focus is the ongoing pandemic.
“We have a security function in the Stockholm Region that looks after the security of my family and myself and I don’t let violence and threats of violence get in the way of my work,” he told the newspaper on May 4.
DN has requested Irene Svenonius, whose press secretary refers to party secretary Gunnar Strömmer. In an email to TT, write:
“Of course, it is very regrettable that those guilty of this atrocity are not found and prosecuted. Threats and hatred of elected officials are an attack on democracy and should never be accepted. “