The virus finds its way, at least


The measures we take against the coronavirus do not play such an important role. Anyway, we will be infected and, in the end, almost all will have died in the different countries. This is according to WHO adviser Johan Giesecke, who is similar to measures to stop infection by trying to build shelters with buckets and shovels.

The coronavirus is so contagious that we will be surprised to find out what proportion of the population has already been infected, says WHO adviser Johan Giesecke.Photo: Stefan Hörberg / Rithuset AB

In the 1993 movie “Jurassic Park” there is a scene where mathematician Ian Malcolm, played by Jeff Goldblum, judges the owners’ strategy to keep ancient lizards at bay with the words: “Nature finds a way” . Nature finds a way. And very true. Despite this, the genetic engineering of the dinosaurs is spreading anyway and it is not long before they have managed to force the electrified fences and everything goes to the barrel. Of course

A similar argument can now be used when countries are manipulated with different strategies to dominate the coronavirus. Whatever we do, the virus will not go away on its own. You’ll find out anyway, and it won’t work until enough people are immune.

This is the opinion of WHO adviser and former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke.

– Almost everyone will contract this virus, most without realizing it. It is so contagious that almost nobody seems to have understood. People will be surprised when we get figures on how many people have already had this infection, Johan Giesecke tells TT.

Compare the pandemic with a large wave hitting a beach. Some are in the water, but most are a little on the beach.

– They only get a little splash. They don’t notice a thing, while the few in the water can’t escape. The measures that different countries are taking to stop the infection can be compared to the fact that we built small shelters on the beach with plastic buckets and toy shovels, he says.

WHO advisor and former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke.Photo: JOHANNA LUNDBERG

This means that European countries, in the end, will have been affected more or less, with almost the same number of deaths compared to the population of each country. For those deaths that are avoided when communities are closed, the restrictions will come into place when the restrictions are lifted, he says.

– There will be no dramatic differences, says Johan Giesecke.

But doesn’t the spread of the infection slow down if it closes?

– For a time yes, and it may be a good strategy if you expect a vaccine, but such will not come, not during this pandemic anyway.
