Sweden’s rumor as a haven for the crown crisis is alleged to have spread in Europe.
But state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is not concerned about the risks of an increased influx of tourists.
– We are totally because you have open borders, he says to Aftonbladet.
Tonight, Aftonbladet reported on luxury European tourists traveling to Sweden to get their hair done, go to a restaurant and party.
– It is the women of Europe who travel here because their own countries have closed. They come here to fix their hair and nails, eat at a restaurant, and then party at night, one of several hairdressers who interviewed Aftonbladet was told.
The background is that politicians in a long line of European states have tried to cope with the spread of the coronavirus by completely closing their countries.
Photo: Björn Lindhal
Anders Tegnell after Monday’s press conference.
“The same rules”
In Sweden, another path has been taken where the authorities have invested in fewer mandatory rules and instead have established hope for the common sense of the inhabitants, which should provide more lasting compliance.
State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is not concerned that Sweden will become a sanctuary in the future for European travelers who thirst for beauty treatments, shopping and parties.
– The same goes for those who come here who apply for Swedes. If you are sick, you should stay indoors and have as few contacts as possible. The regulations that apply to Swedes also apply to other people who come here, he tells Aftonbladet.
Do you see the need to prevent Sweden from becoming a summer destination for Europeans subject to stricter regulations?
– We are completely because we have open borders. I don’t think border controls affect the spread of the infection in any country in any significant way, says Anders Tegnell.
He says the Public Health Authority monitors the number of foreign mobile phones in Sweden through Telia, but so far no significant increase has been seen.
“Troubling reports”
A total of 1,580 people have died at Covid-19 in Sweden so far, according to the latest figures from the Public Health Authority. At a press conference on Monday afternoon, the authority assumed that people in restaurants no longer maintain the prescribed distance by at least 1.5 meters.
– There have been some disturbing reports from different regions that nightlife is starting to get a little crowded again. We hope that the municipality and regions can keep track of restaurants so that they continue to keep track of existing regulations, Anders Tegnell said.
podcasts This is how corona virus research works
The Aftonbladet Daily news pod interviews science journalist Eva Bartonek Roxå about how the coronavirus investigation works.
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