“We do not belong to any risk group”
We will stay home according to the advice of the authorities.
But more and more people are getting tired.
Aftonbladet came out Saturday night to feel the Stockholmers on the pulse.
Until now, we have to abide by the restrictions and advice we receive from the Public Health Authority to make sure the infection does not spread.
But does everyone follow the advice?
No, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Strict rules
During Saturday night and night, several people moved through Stureplan.
– It’s people out there, absolutely. But we are sure to follow all the rules, says a participant at one of the many restaurants in the neighborhood.
In his hand he holds a counter that he presses every time someone goes to the hook.
Inside the taverns around Stureplan there are strict rules about table service and social distance.
Some Aftonbladet speak with claims that “they do not belong to any risk group.” So it’s perfectly fine to go out and eat and drink well, just keep your distance, say friends Fredrik and Christoffer.
Photo: Peter Wixtröm
The outdoor company, in the middle of Stureplan.
“A little nervous”
Natalie, 30, who is passing outside the Dramaten, says she is a little worried.
– Yes, a little neighbor actually, but I try not to think about it all the time. I try to live a normal life, but keep in mind that you have to be careful, “she says.
Most Aftonbladet speak to say that there is a big difference in Stockholm compared to how it usually is.
And those people haven’t started dating anymore.
– Just look at the streets. It’s really cool, says Johanna, who sits outside the Riche restaurant in Birger Jarlsgatan with her friend.
The girlfriends are still a little nervous.
– Clearly you feel a little worried.
After a few minutes, however, they arrive that they are still quite safe. Especially because of the social distance and the rules in restaurants and that people in general seem to think.
– Maybe you have to decide not to spend time with everyone you meet, but only a few?
Photo: Peter Wixtröm
The entrance to the Sturegallerian, where, among other things, the O-bar and Sturehof.
More today than two weeks ago
Some people who encounter Aftonbladet do not want to be in front of the camera.
– No, I should be completely honest and say I’m a little embarrassed, says a woman and laughs.
According to Svenska Dagbladet, who requested information from Telia, today tens of thousands of Stockholmers entered the city more than 14 days ago.
When the Public Health Agency first announced that there was a community outreach for the crown in Stockholm and urged people to work from home, the number of homeworkers doubled, from 30 percent to 58 percent.
Suss Forssman Thullberg, head of communications in the Stockholm region, tells SvD that he has received signals about similar trends from the health service.
One reason could be that it was fair weather in spring and the message from the Public Health Authority that the curve in Stockholm is beginning to level off.
– We are nervous that the Stockholmers believe that the danger has passed and is beginning to return to normal life. In that case, it would have consequences, ”he tells SvD.
podcasts That is why the coronavirus strikes so hard against certain groups.
The coronavirus spreads among all social groups and all ages. But it still looks different. How has the crown affected some people the most and why are certain groups affected? We discuss this in this section of the Aftonbladet Daily.
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