Agne Wikström, 61, is heartbroken. He suffered a heart attack three years ago and also has diabetes. When the corona virus reached Sweden and hit the Stockholmers, he thought especially about when it would reach Norrbotten.
– It’s so sparsely populated, so I thought it wouldn’t show up so soon. I never thought we’d be among the first to hit.
Margareta Wikström, 59, became ill first. On Thursday, March 12, I had a high fever at night. She coughed vigorously and had trouble breathing. Even when lying down, she had a high respiratory rate and worsened. After almost a week, he went to the health center and had a crown test. A few days later they called for an infection at Sunderby Hospital. The test was positive. She was very poor then and Agne took her to the hospital.
Margareta Wikström has been extremely supportive of her siblings, friends, and coworkers. “They are very attentive and have supported me.”
A few days later, he also suffered from shortness of breath.
– I was completely beaten and called the health center. My doctor arranged a coronary abutment and I was hospitalized in front of Margareta.
They were neither capable nor healthy of each other due to isolation. It was difficult to separate, because they really didn’t know how the other was doing, despite being given some information.
– I heard they cared for her on a respirator, but I didn’t know if she would live or die.
“This is a very unpleasant disease. Some don’t get sick, some are just a little neighbor, and others get so sick that they die in the worst case, “says Agne Wikström.
With the respirator treatment, Margareta was transferred to the Piteå hospital. She herself has no memory of this time. She was breastfed for a full week on the ventilator. When he woke up he had horrible memories.
– Dreams or hallucinations, many memories were completely crazy. My son Henrik had married and was shot. I needed to find out what was true and what wasn’t.
Agne and Margareta Wikström think that it was difficult with isolation to be separated during the hospital stay. “It was stressful for all the other relatives too, not to be greeted,” adds Agne.
At the same time, Agne was getting worse. He was oxygenated all the time and says the heart attack was nothing compared to what he is now experiencing. He thought it was so good they put him on a respirator so he didn’t have to lie down and fight. The mucus in the lungs was like glue and he was a motor for hair due to respiratory care.
– But Margareta had the most difficult journey.
Margareta and Agne Wikström cannot praise staff at Sunderbyn and Piteå Hospitals. “They are the heroes of society.”
– It was worse for Agne. When I was able to talk to him, it darkened how bad it was not to worry.
When Agne was feeling so bad, she wanted all essential communication to go through her son, since Henrik read last year at medical school.
Margareta Wikström was treated at the Piteå hospital where her sister works. “She wrote a journal.” Helped her through the difficult time of illness.
– It was lucky. He understood what they were saying and explained to me. He did it with good courage, says Agne.
– We have very good information, says Margareta.
In total, Margareta Wikström was in the hospital for three weeks and Agne Wikström two. They think it was nice to come home and meet again.
He spent a total of three weeks and Agne two. Although it was difficult, Margareta thought that it was very pleasant to come home, above all, she describes how pleasant it was when they met again.
They have not yet recovered. It goes very slowly. Agne breathes easily. Margaret is training at home, but she can’t always do it. She says that the first few days after stopping respiratory care, her legs didn’t use it. When she needed to go to the bathroom more or less, the staff took her there.
Margareta Wikström, 59, became ill first.
They cannot praise the staff enough. Both professional medical treatment and fantastic nursing stand out. They think not only of all healthcare staff, but of everyone else who works with patients with all that it means.
– We are incredibly grateful. If we had not received the care we received, we would not have sat here today. Positive and helpful people have always met. They are the heroes of society. Attitude and help from staff are also important to recovery, says Agne.
Agne and Margareta Wikström.
He and Margareta are both impressed that the staff, both physically and mentally, are able to work in the prevailing conditions.
– The region, under great pressure, has adapted medical care, created new care units and completely new care in a very short time. This is very well done, says Agne, adding that they are happy to ask if medical care needs antibodies if it can help someone else, because they would like to bring something back to care.
Margareta Wikström
Margareta Wikström is especially grateful to the Piteå staff, who went out of their way to make you feel well cared for.
His reflections are many after what happened. From a personal perspective, they think about their own future and what is important in life, how to live the rest of their lives.
Margareta and Agne Wikström have many reflections on what happened, partly from a personal point of view and partly from the point of view of society.
– It is important to think about it. When should you quit your job? What should be prioritized? It will mature, concludes Agne Wikström.