No UK plan for forced restrictions – News story


The UK introduced strict quarantine rules on March 23 as a result of the crown pandemic.

Our action plan aims to delay the spread of the coronavirus step by step so that fewer people need hospital care, says Raab, who replaces Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he is sick on covid-19.

According to Dominic Raab, there are signs that the rules for keeping distance are paying dividends. This despite the fact that government advisers have suggested that it is difficult to draw conclusions, and that the spread of the infection is increasing in certain settings, reports the BBC.

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The UK is expected to extend the quarantine measures. The photo is an empty street in London.

We haven’t slowed down the spread of the infection as much as we need to, “says Raab.

He added that any changes to the rules for keeping distance would risk a significant increase in the number of people infected.

The restrictions can be eased as long as the health system can handle the situation, there is a steady decrease in the number of new deaths, and credible data shows that the transmission rate is decreasing.

According to the latest statistics, there have been more than 13,700 covid-19 related deaths in British hospitals. More than 100,000 people have been found to be carriers of the virus.
