– It is optional to download it. I hope that as many people as possible will, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said at a press conference.
She says that she should download it herself and that the app should better track the infection and help get a better picture of the spread of the infection.
Erna Solberg notes that the collected data should only be used to track down and stop the infection. The app will be tested first in three municipalities and then tested in 15 municipalities before it can be used across the country in May.
It may take some time before large crowds of people are allowed into Norway. That may not happen until next year, “says Bjørn Guldvog, head of the Swedish Health Directorate.
– If we are very lucky, it may happen sometime in the fall, but I think it is unlikely, according to the Dagen newspaper.
The statement came during a seminar, and more specifically about crowds of 30-100 people.
Guldvog believes that authorities should be clear that Norwegian society will not return to normal this fall.
At the moment, the measures taken as a result of the corona virus mean that public gatherings of a maximum of five people are allowed in Norway.