ofMatilda Aprea Malmqvist
Almost no one has missed the crown pandemic that has paralyzed the world. Even those in space know what is going on.
But in reality there is a professional group that has not heard of the crown crisis.
Beneath the surface, far away in the depths of the sea, is precisely the French crew aboard nuclear-armed submarines. They got on board before the pandemic was a fact.
The crew spend months under the sea and remain completely separate from the outside world. They lack the Internet and have actively chosen not to tell them about the virus pandemic that is paralyzing an entire world. Officials of France’s submarine fleet say they keep bad news from the crew so that morale on board is unaffected.
They do not know. The boys on board must be fully focused on their tasks, retired admiral Dominoque Salles tells the AP news agency.
Photo: AP
Those who work aboard French submarines with nuclear weapons have no idea what has happened in the world lately.
“It will be an unpleasant surprise”
The captain has probably been briefed on the crown crisis, but without receiving specific details, he says. He believes that the crew will be informed just before they arrive in port.
– Under the sea is the only place where you really are separate from all the information. They will not have experienced the crisis like us, with fear and a hard quarantine. It will be an unpleasant surprise for them, says a former officer and doctor of the Le Triomphant submarine.
Photo: Francois Mori / TT
One of the submarines of the French Navy.
Where, when and how nuclear-powered submarines move is a state secret. Therefore, the French fleet will not confirm whether any submarines left the port before France imposed the national curfew on March 17. But the crew usually spends at least 60-70 days at sea.