The mandate applies to 31 provinces and covers all major cities. The curfew occurred less than an hour before it went into effect, sparking a hectic shopping race.
– The cows offered ample opportunities for the spread of the infection, a Turkish biologist tells DN.
Two weeks ago he was ordained all under the age of 20 and over 65 in quarantine, and crowds of people were banned. But the decree has often been blatantly ignored, with big weddings and other parties.
Read more: Several countries ease restrictions, but “the pandemic has not come”
Official Turkey has gone through several stages during the epidemic. It was a long time, until March 11, before the authorities recognized that the farce reached the country. Until now, Turkey avoided many doubts, given the country’s intense traffic and trade relations with Iran, the most affected country in the region. The Turks who said against the official version were arrested and processed.
A doctor in Izmir, who did not appear by name, told Deutsche Welle in mid-March that covid-19 victims consistently received causes of death such as “pneumonia” and “infectious disease.”
Michael Tanchum of the Truman Institute in Jerusalem said on March 20 that the trend curve for Turkish infection was steeper than that for Italy, a calculation that seems to hold. According to the Ankara Health Ministry, on Saturday, 47,000 people were infected and more than a thousand died in the disease. Turkish financial analyst Inan Dogan, who made a highly accurate prediction of mortality in the United States in March, estimates that half a million Turks are infected.
However, the actual numbers are shrouded in darkness. The Turkish Medical Association TTB, which showed great courage during the crisis, accused authorities on Friday of sweeping large categories of death victims and ignoring international guidelines on how to classify death victims:
“It is certainly gratifying if the mortality rate decreases, but the large increase in the number of infected rhymes does not have a stable mortality rate.” TTB has announced that its members see potential crown victims published under other titles.
Turkey was hit by the infection after a stormy economic year, when the government repeatedly to the east of its foreign exchange reserve to back up the faltering local currency. President Tayyip Recep Erdogan ruled from the outset that the most important patient was not the infected Turks, but the business community “whose wheels must continue to roll.” Above all, the banks and the many entrepreneurs and builders close to the AKP government party benefit. Turkish insider Halil Karaveli of the Silk Road Institute tells DN:
– Regime preferences below The crisis underscores their extreme business friendship. Employers have received tax incentives and incentive packages, but employees may be forced to leave during which they can settle for SEK 58 per day.
However, small businesses and sole proprietorships, which employ millions of Turks, have yet to be promised any concrete assistance. Turkey also cannot afford to offer them much. Erdogan does not want to ask the International Monetary Fund for help, as he accused all previous governments of joining the IMF liaison. High-level contacts are made between Ankara and Washington regarding the possibilities of an emergency loan from the United States.