– You must be careful to draw some conclusions day by day. You have to look at the trend over the number, then of course you can positively interpret that it doesn’t increase, he says.
Johan Styrud describes one Continuous high pressure in healthcare.
– It’s a difficult situation all the time. The question is how long people can work this way. We have never reached the limit of what healthcare is capable of, and we have prepared ourselves for a more difficult situation. But the concern of people not to cope is, of course.
On its website, the Stockholm Region warns that Valborg risks becoming a great weekend if many people from different parts of the region gather. Instead, Stockholmers are encouraged to spend time digitally.
On election night The Environmental Administration will strengthen its work with nightlife inspections, such as in restaurants and taverns.
– What we have done more now is that we go out one night on a Thursday because it is an electoral castle, says Kristine Fornander, acting head of the department in the food department of Environmental Management.
Several inspectors will be outside, especially in the central parts of Stockholm.
– We will be where we have seen that it has been problematic before, so there will be some return visits, Fornander says.
Inspections are coming It should also be done during Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
– Since we’ve had closings, it will be exciting to see what the results will be like, she says.