The Swedish Public Health Agency has carried out its third national investigation into the presence of the new coronavirus. Of the 2,519 participants tested between August 24 and 28, none were infected with covid-19.
– We interpret this to mean that there is currently no widespread spread of infection in people who have no symptoms, says Karin Tegmark Wisell, unit manager at the Swedish Public Health Agency.
She continues:
– Those with symptoms are encouraged to go for a test drive and we have extensive infection tracking where we expect more and more chains of infection to be identified.
READ MORE: Health centers downgraded after the Public Health Agency’s decision on corona tests
“A clear change”
Since April, the Swedish Public Health Agency has conducted surveys to roughly measure how much of the Swedish population is infected with COVID-19.
Participants have been randomly selected and consist of a total of approximately 4,000 people from a panel. The group has been the same in all the polls.
The late-April survey gave 0.9 percent positive results for the ongoing infection. At the end of May, the share was 0.3 percent.
– It must be said that this is a sample, but we see a clear change over time, that the spread of the infection in society is significantly lower now, which is in line with all the other data reported.
READ MORE: This is how the new coronavirus outbreaks will be handled
New survey planned
The Swedish Public Health Agency has planned a fourth study with the same sample. Results are expected to be ready in October.
The samples are taken by the participant himself in the nose, throat and saliva.
READ MORE: Incorrect test results analyzed – significantly less infected after control
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