2020: the year of the pandemic in numbers


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2020 was the year the corona pandemic struck in full force. Rapid testing at airports for infections was just one of all the social changes that were introduced. Stock Photography.

The corona pandemic has affected everything and everyone for the past year. Here are some one-year figures that no one will forget.

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… is the number of people reported dead in covid-19 on the morning of December 31.

The most affected in terms of the number of deaths is the United States with almost 340,000 deaths. Brazil, India and Mexico are the only other countries where more than 100,000 people have died so far.

Source: Johns Hopkins University


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… has been confirmed infected by covid-19 worldwide as of the morning of December 31.

During the month of October, the number of new reported cases increased from around 300,000 per day to 500,000 per day. Currently, the daily figure is around 600,000. It represents a greater spread of the infection, but it is probably also due to greater testing capacity.

Source: Johns Hopkins University



… countries and regions have so far had confirmed cases of covid-19 as of December 30.

According to official representatives, it is still crown-free in Turkmenistan and North Korea. The two totalitarian states belong to a very small number of countries or regions that have not reported a single crown drop.

Source: Johns Hopkins University


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… deaths of people with covid-19 have been reported in Sweden as of December 30.

The number of deaths in Sweden, as in other parts of the world, has risen in recent months after a period of lesser spread of the infection during the summer. During the summer months, mainly August and September, there were individual days when no new deaths were reported.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency


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… cases of covid infection have been reported in Sweden up to December 30.

A clear increase in Swedish infection statistics was observed during the fall, when testing in the country began in earnest. Previously, the number of new cases reported was a maximum of 1,698, during the autumn that number has multiplied and currently it is just over 11,000 per day.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency


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… people with covid-19 receive or have received intensive care in Sweden until December 30.

Intensive care has largely followed the same curves as the number of deaths. A clear difference compared to those who become infected and die according to the statistics is that significantly more men than women with covid-19 have received intensive care. The number of men in intensive care is about two and a half times that of women. Just over 2,900 men and just over 1,150 women receive or have received intensive care.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency



… more people died during the month of November in Sweden, compared to the average for the month in recent years.

The total number of deaths in November in Sweden was 8,088, according to Statistics Sweden (SCB), the highest November figure in real terms since 1918 when the Spanish flu broke out.

However, it is worth noting that Sweden’s population has grown by about 4.5 million inhabitants since 1919. In relative terms, 77.9 people per 100,000 inhabitants died in November this year, which is the largest number of deaths relative to population size in November. from 2010.

Source: Statistics Sweden



… crowns is the sum of the government’s pandemic measures.

During the pandemic, the government has presented twelve amending budgets, in addition to the traditional spring and autumn amending budgets. These have included issues such as compensation for qualifying period deductions, increased sickness benefits, adjustment support and sector-specific support. In total, the measures for the year amount to SEK 200 billion.

Source: Government


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… fewer people were employed in November 2020 in Sweden compared to November 2019.

The figure should be interpreted with some caution, but it still gives an indication of the impact of the pandemic on the daily financial lives of many people.

Source: Statistics Sweden



… the vaccine doses have been signed by the European Commission.

A total of seven different agreements have been signed for the purchase of covid-19 vaccines on behalf of the member countries. The number of agreed doses therefore amounts to 1,405 million, with the option of 660 million additional doses.

Source: European Commission.



… is the percentage by which global carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 are expected to decrease compared to the previous year. This is according to preliminary estimates from the climate and energy news site Carbon Brief, the International Energy Agency (IEA), and an article published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Pandemic restrictions are not the only reason to expect lower emissions in 2020. In 2019, large investments were also made in renewable energy sources and the beginning of 2020 was windy and sunny, which together with the new facilities made the energy production from solar and wind energy accounted for a higher share during the year.

Source: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency



… the Swedish Public Health Agency has organized joint press conferences due to the coronavirus.

The first press conference was held on February 26 and was held every day beginning in March (except weekends), but was later changed to two days a week.

Various media broadcast live from press conferences, which are also broadcast on YouTube. In addition to all of them, in addition to the Swedish Public Health Agency, the National Health and Welfare Board and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) have also participated.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency

