Aftonbladet in the place where the elections are decided
PHILADELPHIA. This includes the postal ballots that can determine the key state of Pennsylvania and thus the entire presidential election.
Aftonbladet took a look at the room where poll workers handle some of the last votes.
Hundreds of protesters stand in front of the stone facade. The police have formed a wall between the groups.
Trump supporters demand that the counting be stopped inside the showroom and sometimes angry exchanges ensue with counter-protesters who want every vote to be counted.
But within the walls of the Pennsylvania Convention Center, the chaos and demonstrations feel far away. Here it is quiet and peaceful. Destination in most of the long passages. We go to the second floor. Then through a security check, and then to Hall F.
Here, votes are counted at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. All those with yellow vests are “city commissioners of Philadelphia.”
Outside, it is still being demonstrated.
In the room, poll workers in yellow vests can be seen slowly counting the remaining votes. In the middle of the 11,000-square-meter hall is a stack of white boxes within a steel fence, marked with a sign that reads “Ballot Storage.”
Around 150 poll workers work at the site, 24 hours a day in eight-hour shifts.
Is slow. Gradually. It’s not more exciting, but something historic can happen here.
The workers have the eyes of the world on them; there are many indications that the ballots here may soon decide the presidential election in favor of Biden. Especially in the greater Philadelphia area, Joe Biden has garnered many votes, about 80 percent of the elections in the constituency.
Here, poll workers work to count the votes.
Voice counting machine.
Ballots inside the exhibition hall are processed in three steps: sorting, extraction and scanning. Each ballot must go through all the steps before the statistics are updated on television screens around the world.
The 22 machines inside can open about 12,000 ballots per hour. Then each voice must be entered into the scanners, then the result is saved to the servers and added to the official result.
The controversial Philadelphia ballots in particular are likely to attract their attention for a long time.
Guards at the voting station.
Many expect a protracted legal battle for the White House, as Donald Trump claims that Democrats are trying to steal the election and that it is election fraud when mail-in votes are counted for several days after Election Day.
On Friday, Joe Biden surpassed President Donald Trump in the number of votes in Pennsylvania. Thanks to the 20 electoral votes of the state, it could reach the 270 necessary for victory in the presidential elections when the result is ready.
The reason Biden has been quick to take notice of Trump is that mail-in votes are all counted last, and most of all, Democrats have voted through the post office during the pandemic.
So far no one has been able to submit the perfect solution, which is not strange.
The state-by-state vote count