Suicidal thoughts in American adults almost doubled in June, says CDC

Nearly 11% of U.S. adults reported serious suicidal ideation in June. That’s almost double the percentage that did last summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did.

According to a report released Thursday, the CDC asked 5,412 participants in a survey if they seriously considered suicide in the 30 days prior to the survey conducted the last week of June. The findings showed that 10.7% of Americans reported suicide compared to 4.3% who reported the same thing throughout 2018. The study also found that 40% of Americans reported some form of mental health problem as substance abuse related to the coronavirus pandemic.

The percentages were much higher in certain groups, including essential workers and ethnic and racial minorities. The study found that the groups with the highest rates of suicidal ideation were unpaid caregivers for adults, citing 30% who reported it in June. The other group that was hit hard was the age group 18- to 24 with 25% reporting with those thoughts.

Ethnic and racial minority groups were equally disproportionately affected. The report said that 15.1% of Blacks and 18.6% of Hispanics in June seriously considered suicide.

In addition to an increase in ideation of suicide, the study found that there was also an increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety. The rate of depressive symptoms doubled in number and anxiety tripled compared to the second quarter of 2019.

About 13% of respondents said they increased or began using drugs to treat stress in June.

Results show significant increase in signs of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation: CDC

Results show significant increase in signs of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation: CDC

The authors of the report stated that factors such as social isolation, unemployment and financial worries, lack of school structure, and forms of violence need to be examined in order to see how they serve as additional stressors. The report pointed out that the increased percentages of these mental and behavioral effects on health have the impact that this pandemic has on the population. The study’s authors said the report also helped “identify populations at increased risk for psychological distress and unhealthy coping.” It suggested extensive use of telehealth to provide services to those in need and suggested future studies to identify drivers of negative mental and behavioral health during the COVID-19 pandemic and community programs.

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline stated on its website the following warning signs can help determine if a loved one is at risk for suicide. It stated if the behavior has increased, is new, or is related to a recent loss or painful event, seek help by calling the lifeline.

  • Talk about wanting to die or kill yourself
  • Talk about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Looking for a way to kill yourself, such as searching online or buying a gun
  • Talk about being a burden to others
  • Talk about feeling trapped or in excruciating pain
  • Too little or too much sleep
  • Anxious as agitating act; behaviorless
  • Seeing rage when talking about seeking revenge
  • Increasing the use of alcohol as drugs
  • Retreat or isolate themselves
  • Extreme mood swings

The National Suicide Prevention Office’s national toll-free number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and will call the caller at a certified crisis center near where the call is placed and available 24 hours a day. .