Facemask may limit the severity of coronavirus cases, researchers at the University of California San Francisco said in a paper published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
However, facial inks are more effective at preventing drips than inhaling droplets, but the mask is still able to reduce the severity of the illness in a person infected with COVID-19, the researchers said. Release.
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Monica Gandhi, MD, an infectious disease specialist at UC San Francisco, said: “It is possible that a face mask, even by stopping a few drops from carrying the virus, can reduce your risk of getting seriously ill with Covid-1.” A press release from the university. “The more viruses you take into your body, the better [sicker] You are likely to get. “
Based on the researchers’ epidemiological observations, Gandhi and his colleagues suggested in the paper that masks could lead to mild or asymptomatic infections by reducing the respiratory rate in people with the virus.
“Mask, based on that [the] Filter most viral particles, but not all, the researcher said in a published report.
The notion of viral dose or viral inoculum was incorporated with smallpox vaccines in China in the early 16th century where small amounts of the virus were injected into a healthy person to create a mild illness after the immune system. It was also associated with influenza A virus, where healthy volunteers who received large doses of influenza A virus had more severe symptoms, the release said.
The study authors, with the recent wave of COVID-19 infections, credit the face mask for better treatment, more testing and lesser contributions to lower mortality with younger patients and contributing to milder cases, the press release said. However, more data is needed to track the case geographically and match the intensity of the mask-wearing.
The rate of serious illness is lower in countries such as Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea where wearing face masks was already socially acceptable, according to the publication.
“We are also saying that masks that filter out most of the viral particles can cause the least serious infections if you get any disease,” Gandhi said in a press release. “If you feel infected, but have no symptoms – this is the best way you can ever get a virus.”
The publication notes a hamster study where surgical masks isolated hamster cages with covid-19 and uninfected hamsters. The report found that the transmission of coronavirus in the mask was reduced, while the hamsters that contracted SARS-COV-2 developed milder symptoms, the report said.
Gandhi said the viral dose could be another factor in the prognosis of the virus, based on two outbreaks of coronavirus on cruise ships. The first outbreak of SARS-Cavi-2 at Diamond Princess outside China, 18% of the 634 passengers positive for COVID-19 were asymptomatic. In another case, in March, aboard an Argentine cruise ship, 81% of the 128 people who tested positive were sensitive, the news release said.
According to Gandhi, the big difference was that passengers on an Argentine ship found to have COVID-19 were immediately given a surgical mask and a staff N95 mask.
Homemade coronavirus face mask should have two or three layers of virus, to prevent the spread of study funds
Similar findings have been found in food processing plants, according to researchers. 4 About 95% of the approximately 124 infected employees at the Reagan Seafood Processing Plant were asymptomatic, while approximately 95% of the 481 COVID-19-positive employees were unresponsive at the Tyson Chicken Processing Plant in Arkansas, where masks were worn.
Wearing a face mask can lead to less severe cases of Covid-1 severe which puts less strain on the health care system and may increase the immunity of the herd as a potential vaccine is developed, Gandhiji said in the release.