Studies find that blood type does not increase or decrease the risk of getting COVID

Amid the misinformation spread during the pandemic, it has been believed that people with certain blood types have a higher or lower risk of contracting the coronavirus than others.

However, two recent studies from reputable sources found that type A blood does not increase the chance that it will become infected.

Earlier during the pandemic, researchers said preliminary evidence suggested that blood type was a key factor in possibly contracting COVID or becoming dangerously ill.

A study published more than a month ago in the New England Journal of Medicine claimed a 45% higher risk of COVID infection in people with type A blood.

Recent studies at Massachusetts General Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York have shattered that theory.

Although the researchers said the evidence suggests that people with type O blood may have a lower risk of infection, the difference was so minimal that it had no consequences, they said.

Blood type also didn’t affect whether people are more or less likely to be placed on a ventilator or die, according to studies.

Anahita Dua, Massachusetts general vascular surgeon who was the lead author of that study, he told the New York Times she “wouldn’t even mention it” as a risk factor.

“No one should think they are protected,” added Nicholas Tatonetti, a data scientist who was co-author of the Columbia Presbyterian study.


The Columbia Presbyterian Study

The Massachusetts General Hospital Study

On one thing, everyone agrees: The research results cannot help protect anyone from the risk of contracting COVID-19. What you can do is wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands no matter what blood type you have.

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