Steam summer offer has started

If you’re sick of not E3 making fun of you with games you can watch but not play, surprise! Here comes Valve with a huge sale of tons of video games for you to play today. The Steam 2020 Summer Offer has just launched and … many, many games are discounted until July 9. Steam has also opened a point store, where the points you earn by buying normal Steam stuff can be exchanged for emoticons, profile backgrounds, animated stickers, avatar frames, and other vanity pieces. And as it is tradition in the sale of Steam, servers are now stumbling.

Steam’s summer offer will end at 6pm (10am Pacific) on July 9. Until then, hell, go on Steam and take a look. I hope you have been on a wish list because it is too big to browse casually. The RPS Steam Curator page has a lot of games that we liked, and while it’s a bit outdated now, we plan to revive that with new popular picks.

Maybe we will come back to you with more specific recommendations tomorrow. My previous visit is off the table, as Deadly Premonition is once again not included in the sale. It was so much easier when I was able to say “Look, it crashes and combat sucks, but for £ 2 go try this game, I hope you love it as much as I do.”

If you’re more interested in making your profile pretty, head over to the Point Store. Along with new pieces specially created for the Steam and Steam Chat profiles, it stores items that were previously limited to trading card badges. Maybe I will finally complete my collection of Deadly Premonition emoticons.

Every £ 1 you spend on Steam gives you 124 points. So you’re looking for maybe 100 for a Steam emoticon, 1000 for an animated sticker for Steam chat, 2000 for an animated profile background, 3000 for an animated avatar … that’s a lot of money to get something basically useless, but you get points anyway, and everything is basically useless anyway. See this page for more information on how everything works, and visit the store to see what you can get.

I’m surprised to find that I already have thousands of points, presumably from previous purchases. I just spent 2000 in a retro-futuristic pink neon frame for my Steam avatar because, idk, I had them and what else would I use them for. I still have thousands left. 2000 more to put a swirling ink background on the Steam profile that I never look at? Of course!

Please, please, don’t spend money on Steam just to get more points for vanity bits.

Disclosure: I have some friends at Valve, who does … stuff?

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