Star Wars: The Old Republic now available on Steam

Star Wars: The Old Republic is now available on Steam. You can start Star Wars MMO through the Valve launcher, and if you make all your progress from the SWTOR launcher it will carry over.

The game is free with optional microtransactions like Cartel Coins and cosmetic packages. The launch of Steam includes new collectible cards, profile backgrounds, and gestures. EA also promises over 100 Steam Achievements in a future update, with any previously unlocked Achievement retroactively awarded to you.

Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place in the same era as the Knights of the Old Republic games, highly praised by BioWare. However, as an MMO, you had a much wider range of skills and vocations, allowing you to play as classes as a smuggler or bounty hunter in addition to Jedi and Sith. The game is still going strong as it recently hit nearly $ 1 billion in revenue. With a B, like Boba Fett.

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