Splinter Cell, the long-running stealth action franchise developed by Ubisoft, is getting its own animated adaptation from Netflix, according to Variety. The first season is in development and directed by John Wick writer Derek Kolstad.
According to reports, two seasons have already been ordered, spanning a total of 16 episodes in all of them. There is still no indication whether the series will adapt stories from some of the games, or whether series stalwart Michael Ironside will reprise his role as Sam Fisher. Ironside was last involved with the series in Splinter Cell: Conviction, having been replaced in the most recent entry, 2013’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist. He later returned as Fisher in multiple appearances in other franchises.
Derek Kolstad is also no stranger to action productions. He has served as a writer on all three John Wick movies, while recently writing for the Disney + exclusive Falcon and The Winter Solider. The series was recently delayed after planning to launch initially in August.
This is also not the first animated video game adaptation to hit Netflix. Konami’s Castlevania has already adapted in three fantastic seasons, with a fourth currently in development. Ubisoft also recently helped produce a film adaptation of Assassin’s Creed starring Michael Fassbender. It wasn’t that good.
However, the French publisher hasn’t been diving into Splinter Cell in a long time, with series lead Sam Fisher relegated to cameos in Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Breakpoint, as well as the recently announced mobile game Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad. Although a new Splinter Cell entry has never been officially ruled out, it was once again missing in the recent Ubisoft Forward broadcast.