Sony shipped PS4 Qatar Hero ahead of a PS5 launch

Due to the epidemic, Joy Chiu can’t queue for PlayStation 5 right now. However, it will still be one of the first to enjoy Sony’s next-gen console, as the Japanese giant shipped the system to it before this week’s launch. Along with the device, the company includes a commemorative plaque that reads: “First line for PS4. First in line for PS4 Pro. The fruit of patience is salt. This is for you. The game has no limits. “

Joy, as you can imagine, was too stoked to receive the package. “Well, the craze to be this is the most 100 percent,” he wrote Twitter. “This is insane.” Happy happy, then.

For those of you who weren’t around the PlayStation 4 launch, Coe Soul buyer Joy was the first person in the world to be introduced to the system by then-PlayStation executives Jack Treton and Andrew House. During a one-off F Kigley livestream, a famous meme at the time – the famous Antonio Bendres – celebrated his new acquisition by giving GIF a pantoming.

Fully qualified!
