Sony PlayStation 5 supply numbers must be high

More news is coming out of the highly anticipated Sony PlayStation 5, this time focused on its production. Details claim that when the console hits the market at launch, its supplies should meet a good chunk of its demand, thanks to the efficiency of its robotic manufacturing.

According to an article in the Nikkei Asian Review, Sony factories are now able to build a complete PlayStation 4 every 30 seconds. Robots can perform advanced movements and maneuvers, such as twisting flat cables and applying a moderate amount of pressure to connect it to your connection without breaking anything. About 80% of robots are engaged in these and other complex tasks that seem mundane to any trained human technician.

The manufacturing line is so dependent on robotics that it appears that in the entire construction there are only four human staff members employed for its construction: two workers feed the bare motherboards from the start and two workers finish packing the consoles near the end .

On the cost side, PS5 manufacturing has been speculated to cost approximately $ 450 per unit, accounting for a loss for the console at its initial launch. Retail prices have been leaked again, this time through a Reddit discussion showing a consumer survey explaining the “random price” in the UK: the pricing scheme aligns with previous speculation about rough estimates of $ 499 USD and $ 399 USD with local taxes accounted. .

Of course, the hype for the next must-have vacation will be astronomical, so only time will tell if the PS5 supply will meet all demand. To learn more about the next-gen console, read up on the questionable aesthetics of the PlayStation 5 based on an industrial designer review.