‘SNL.’ The final discussion and Adele spoof the songs (slightly)

Adele hosted “Saturday Night Live” this week, and to answer your most pressing question: Yes, she said briefly, even though she was officially a musical guest. But first, Thursday was a parody of the second and final presidential debate to pass.

The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes of Maya Rudolph, along with its resident Kamala Harrisong, in the role of NBC News moderator Kristen Welker.

She explained, “Tonight we have a mute button, because it’s either that there were tranquilizer darts and the president has a lot of tolerance for people after his covid treatment.”

Alec Baldwin and Joseph R. as President Trump on stage. Jim Carrey came in as Biden Jr., “How does this mute button work?” Carey asked. “Shall I just pull it out and slap it on the forehead?”

Rudolph replied, “It’s not connected to anything but I’ll push it.”

Baldwin, who was given an initial question about managing the coronavirus crisis, replied, “What a nice question, thank you, Hoda. All I can say is that you are doing a really good job? He added, “No, really, you’re taking very good care of us tonight. Now, please, can you just tell us about the special?”

Baldwin reiterated Trump’s now familiar line that the country is “corner round” on coronavirus. “In fact, we’ve rounded up a lot of corners, we’ve moved around the block and we’re back to where we started in March,” Baldwin said.

Pointing to Karen, Baldwin said, “If he were in charge, we’d all be in our basement, and that’s where the haunted Annabelle Lingley lives.” A lot of people are saying it’s a very scary doll. “We can’t spend the whole day in the basement, because we’re not all as rich as Joe, with all the money we get from China,” he added.

Carey replied, “Look at me. Do I feel remotely rich? If I have money, where do I spend it? I live in Delaware. One night is 28. “If he had an extra $ 3 million, Carrey said, ‘I’d go to the Capitol in Candy-Red Trans M in the game behind Candy Logins. Not recording – real Kenny Logins.”

Baldwin said he could not disclose his coronavirus response plan because his audit date was ongoing and added, “If you don’t trust me you can talk to my lawyer Rudy Giuliani.”

Mera cut Kate McKinnon as Giuliani and made a vague but powerful gesture in front of the audience behind her. When she turned, he revealed that she was rubbing her stomach. “It doesn’t look like that,” McKinnon added: “Is this another ‘borat’? You have to tell me if it’s ‘borat’.”

In the end, both candidates were asked what they would say to those who did not vote for them. Baldwin replied, “If they don’t vote for me, I guess I’ll say ‘hola’.”

“You know who he is and you know who I am,” Kerry said. I’m all good. I am as reliable as a rock. I have a five star safety rating and I have been ranked best in Midsize in my class by JD Power and Associates. I don’t have a golden toilet seat. I have a soft, spongy one whenever I park my Kister. ”

In her opening remarks, Adele explained that she did not want to be both a host and a musical guest, saying that she would put on “just a few wigs” and “keep a glass of wine or six and see what happens.” However, “SNL.” This submission to “The Bachelor” found a subtle way to get selections from some of her best-known songs, which placed Adele among her rivals.

“I’m here because I’ve had so many heartbreaks in my life,” he said at the beginning of the sketch. “First at 19 o’clock, and then, at the end of the 21st kind, and then at the more famous 25th.”

Strictly fighting for a humble romantic interest (Beck Bennett), Adele sang “When We Were Young,” “Hello” and “Deep in Rolling” quotes, then concluded with the enthusiastic part of “Someone Like You”. As the sketch ended, Adele said, “Catch me to ‘Love Island’ next week.”

This filming segment starts out like many other political commercials that take place on election days, including “SNL.” Everyday members of the House explain to Americans every day why they are voting against Biden and Trump. But, as these people explain, they are also concerned. Because, as Ego Neodim asks, if Biden wins, “then what shall we talk about?”

Pete Davidson adds, “The only thing I’ve talked about for four years is Donald Trump.” Another voter played by Melissa Villacier says, “My whole personality hates Donald Trump. If it’s gone, what do I do, focus on my kids again? No thanks. ”

Canon Thompson says, “I am really concerned for Rachel Maddo. Like, what will he talk about? (Following the merchant – paid by America’s fictional Trump addicts – Real-life Maddox tweeted, “I’ll be fine! I’ll swear!”)

At the Weekend Update Desk, Anchor Colin Jost and Michael Che continued to quarrel in the final discussion of the President.

We can’t say that we can support this bogus announcement, based on the discomfort that Adele, McKinnon and Heidi Gardner are women who have traveled to Africa in search of men who will help them get a divorce. (It’s already loose A fair share of discomfort on social media.)

But we include it here for perfection and for the sight of Adele’s frequently broken character, which at least gives the sketch a pleasant blur of a few moments.