Following in mysterious countdown, Smashing Pumpkins have released two tracks, “Cyr” and “The Color of Love”, from the semi-united band’s upcoming album and follow on 2018’s Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No past. No future. No sun.
“Cyr is dystopian folly,” Billy Corgan said in a statement, “one soul against worldly things, set against a backdrop of shifting loyalties and accelerated time. To me, it stands as hopeful and repulsive of what is and is not possible with believe. ”
During the lockdown, the band also recorded a performance video for “Cyr” from their respective quarantines in Chicago and Los Angeles. “This is a goth fever dream of uplifting emotion – an artistic visual release that seeks to make a quick escape this year from the emotional black cloud that hangs over us all,” said Linda Strawberry, director of the video. “A dark seduction filmed in quarantine at a social distance.”
Both tracks feature Corgan’s current Pumpkins lineup alongside co-founders James Iha and Jimmy Chamberlin and guitarist Jeff Schroeder. The Smashing Pumpkins’ next album will also be their first on Sumerian Records, which the band recently inked.