Since the outbreak began, U.S. More than 500,000 children tested positive for coronavirus in India, report says

New data released this week shows that more than 500,000 children in the US have been tested Positive for coronavirus According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the epidemic began. The group said U.S. Children accounted for 9.8% of all COVID-19 cases in the U.S., with more than 6.3 million cases reported by Johns Hopkins University, respectively.

Your report states that between August 20 and September 3, 70,630 new cases of children were reported, an increase of 16% in two weeks, reaching a national total of 513,415. Puerto Rico was among the six states and territories that saw an increase in child cases.

Data from children of different ages have been compiled by the AAP and the Children’s Hospital Association, as reported by 49 departments across the state, New York City, Puerto Rico and Guam. The AAP noted that Texas was excluded from the analysis.

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Data from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows an increase in COVID-19 pediatric cases between August 20 and September 3, 2020. The data was taken from 49 states, New York City, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Texas was excluded from the count.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Coronavirus death in children

The report states that U.S. The death toll from coronavirus in India is 103. States: In a subset of data analyzed from the states and New York City, all Kovid-1 deaths were 0-0. %%, and zero child deaths were reported in 18 states.

“At the moment, it seems that serious illnesses caused by COVID-19 are rare in children,” the AAP said. But health experts say children COVID-19 can spread.

Meanwhile, disease control centers have released a fatal and about new data Mysterious pediatric illness With clear links to the coronavirus. By mid-May, the CDC had erupted Multisystem inflammatory disease in children (MIS-C), sometimes also known as PMIS.

The CDC describes it as “a rare but serious condition associated with COVID-19” that sometimes presents after a COVID illness or after contact with COVID-19. In adults instead of attacking new coronavirus diseases such as the lungs, this syndrome, while seemingly very rare, also provokes serious, fatal heart complications in children.

As of September, the CDC has collected 79 2 2 confirmed cases of MIS-C in 1 states and 1 death report in New York City and Washington, DC. Other cases are under investigation.

CDC data suggests that “most cases occur in children between the ages of 1 and 14, with an average age of 8 years.” They also noted that “more than 70% of cases reported in children were Hispanic / Latino (276 cases) or non-Hispanic Black (230 cases).”

Some students return to the individual class

The AAP report was released Thousands of children returned to school For the individual class in this category. On Long Island, parents felt nervous and excited about leaving their children.

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Students from Richardson, Texas, lined up for a temperature check before entering the building. Forrester Elementary in San Antonio is usually filled with 850 children; But this morning, only 53 opted for the individual class.

“I think they have a little bit of balance, the rooms look different, everyone wears a mask,” Principal Kelly Mantle told CBS News. “I think it will become a new standard for a while and kids will get used to it and we get used to it every day.”

AAP’s new figures are of concern to some sub-teachers, such as in suburban Phoenix, as the first days of individual classes were canceled after teachers were called in for illness.

In New York, new cases are up 25% compared to two weeks ago. And with New York City schools preparing individual classes next week, Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to allay parents’ fears.

“We will keep Covid Report Cards for every school in the state,” he said.

Omar Villafranca contributed to this report.
