Sharon Stone accuses mask referrers because sister suffers from coronavirus | Film

Sharon Stone has condemned “non-masked wearers” for the plight of her younger sister, who is in the hospital with coronavirus and is “fighting for her life”.

The actor, 62, shared photos on Instagram of the equipment in her sister’s room, like a medical worker in full PPE. She wrote in the title: “My sister Kelly, who already has lupus, now has Covid-19. This is her hospital room. One of the wearers of non-mask did this,” Stone wrote.

‘She has no immune system. The only place she went was the pharmacy. ”

Stone added: “Can you see this room alone? Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Por favor.”

In an Instagram video, Stone elaborated on her sister’s condition, saying Kelly’s husband, Bruce Singer, is also “fighting for his life” in a coronavirus department.

The family lives in Montana, where testing is limited only to those with symptoms. Stone said her mother, who has had two heart attacks, five stents and a pacemaker since her inception, could not be tested.

Stone said she had unsuccessfully tried to contact the mayor of Montana and the health department.

“My grandmother died of Covid and my grandmother died of Covid,” Stone said. “My sister and her husband are fighting for their lives and my sister is not doing well.”

Stone ended her video by urging viewers to vote, and voicing support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in their campaign for the U.S. presidency.

Last week, Stone spoke publicly about three of her own near-death experiences. Like the stroke she suffered in 2001, which led to a two-year hiatus from acting, she said a clothing line came within “a 16th of an inch of my jugular vein” when she was 14 years old. Moreover, she was struck by lightning as a child, carried out by water after the family hit well. ‘I was picked up and thrown over the kitchen and hit the fridge. Luckily my mom strapped me around the face and brought me to. ”
